Tarek Bibi - Special Offer!
Special Offer Details - $97:
The Infinity Chakra Healing Program
Total Value: $2950
Your Savings: 97% OFF
Infinity Healing: One of the most powerful healing modalities in the world!
The Infinite Chakra Healing Course!
Stepping Into Your Spiritual Mastery
Healing The Root Cause of Every Problem In Your Life on a Deep Energetic Level
One year in the making!
Your Dream Reality Awaits you
I know that the healing world is over saturated with tons of healing options and that you may have invested in many programs and you may feel like you are still were you started or even worse off!
I know how you feel. I’ve been there. That is why I created the infinity healing technique and this program to help you release the blocks from their very core ounce and for all the one thing I hear more than anything else is how many of my clients have tried many of the healing programs out there and did not get the results they were hoping. But when they tried the Infinity Healing programs they experienced deep life changing shifts almost instantly and this comes from clients who are advanced spiritual beings!
“The Infinity Healing Technique”
How is it so different and unique to any other kind of healing modality out there?
- The problem with most modalities is you go to a healer and they ask you what would you like to work on. Your conscious mind is only aware of 5-10% of what is going on. It has no Idea about the 90% that is below the surface. So you work on the 10% and end up feeling like something is not getting addressed. You try a different healer/modality and end up feeling the same. Then you give up cause you have tried everything with everyone and conclude maybe there is no hope for you. What Infinity Healing does is it allows your higher self, that knows you better than you know yourself and decides on what to work on. You also choose a specific theme for the session.
- Who is doing the healing. I remember going to healers and feeling not so good, because they were in their ego, like I’m the one who is going to heal you. It did not feel good and I did not resonate with their energy and I did not get the results. Infinity Healing uses the best of the modalities I have learnt that are implemented into it but as much as we know, I know there is so much more I don’t know. So I leave the rest to source to decide what is to be done. Let source do the healing. This was Everything that is possible, that can happen will happen. Source is the ultimate healer and connecting directly with your being and working on the areas that are ready to be worked on.
- I never liked the Idea of having to pay someone over and over again for small results each time. So with Infinity Healing, What ever you decide to work on, we set that healing on auto pilot, meaning source will keep working on it for as long as is needed until it’s completely done doing all that it knows to do. One client told me 6 months after the session she was still clearing parent patterns! This way we get to move on the other things.
- During each session we: connect to source, balance the left and right brain, divine masculine and feminine, mind body and soul, do a full system upgrade, cleansing, connection to source, align all the chakras, ground to the planet, clear limiting beliefs, programs, perceptions and perspectives, download love based beliefs from source, see things from the highest perspective, We do a mind and heart process to keep you in your heart space and not in the mind. We do a body/chakra scan to feel where the body is holding on to dense energies, we do a process to transmute them and replace them with a high loving frequency. Work on the core challenge and set it on auto pilot. We do a miraculous manifestation process. We do a process to expand your loving energy to the whole universe. We connect to the higher dimensions, We connect to the Christ consciousness grid.
- Infinity healing works on all space time and dimensions: It doesn’t matter if the challenge stemmed from a past life, an ancestral thing, a collective consciousness thing, source will work on it in all space time and dimensions and share the healing with your childhood, ancestors, past lives..
ITEM 1: The Infinite Chakra Healing Program
Value $1200
First Chakra – Kundalini or Root Chakra or Base Chakra
This module will help you:
- Clear all scarcity and struggle
- Clear all money blocks
- Clear not feeling supported and loved
- Clear feeling alone
- Clear not feeling like you belong here
- Clear not feeling grounded
- Activate your kundalini power
- And so much more!
Second Chakra – Infinity healing for the Sacral Chakra:
This module will help you:
- Clear all your relationship blockages
- Clear all your toxic emotions
- Clear all your fears
- Clear all your hurt and emotional pain
- Clear all clear all your sexual blocks
- Clear your addictions
- Start attracting empowering and loving relationships
- Start feeling emotionally empowered and balanced
- Master your creativity
- And so much more!
Third Chakra – Infinity healing for the Solar plexus:
This module will help you:
- Clear all your fears of stepping into your power
- Clear what causes you to feel used and taken advantage of
- Clear any experiences of abuse of power
- Clear your trust issues
- Start feeling confident
- And so much more!
Fourth Chakra – Infinity healing for the Heart Chakra:
This module will help you:
- Clear all your receptivity blocks
- Clear all your not worthy issues
- Clear all your not good enough issues
- Clear over giving
- Start feeling worthy deserving and more than enough
- Start receiving what you desire with more ease
- And so much more!
Fifth Chakra – Infinity healing for the Throat Chakra:
This module will help you:
- Clear anything stopping you from getting yourself out there
- Clear fears of being seen
- Clear past life traumas like with hunts, vows of silence…
- Start speaking your truth
- Start expressing your authentic self
- Reach and connect with your soul family
- Help more people with your gifts talents and abilities
- And so much more!
Sixth Chakra – Infinity healing for Third Eye Intuition:
This module will help you:
- Clear all your blocks to listening to your intuition
- Clear all your blocks to trusting your intuition
- Clear all your blocks to following through on your guidance
- Start seeing the truth of every situation
- Start seeing the truth of your divinity
- Master your intuitive connection
- And so much more!
Seventh Chakra – Infinity healing for the Crown Chakra:
This module will help you:
- Clear everything in the way of you feeling one with source-god-universe
- Clear having a strong connection with the divine
- Clear feeling alone and disconnected
- Receive infinite divine clarity in all areas of your life
- Re-member your divine self
- And so much more!
ITEM 2: Infinite Chakra Healing for Advanced Spiritual Mastery
Value $1750
Eighth Chakra – Infinity healing for the 8th chakra:
This module will help you:
- Experience divine love
- Experience spiritual compassion
- Experience spiritual selflessness
- Clear all karmic from all life times
- Experience spiritual awareness
- Master your spiritual gifts: out of body projection, spiritual perception, and spiritual wisdom
- Improve your healing abilities
- Master clairvoyance
- Master in- depth dream recall opens up, so too does some spiritual abilities
- And so much more!
Ninth Chakra – Infinity healing for the 9th chakra:
This module will help you:
- Activate your Christ-like abilities
- Clear your karmic blueprint
- Activate your skills and abilities learned in all lifetimes
- Unlock the key to your soul’s destiny
- Activate your key blueprints: the Creator, the Healer, and the Teacher
- Access the divine knowledge-base of your soul
- Access all the information, skills and life-experiences that serve you in this life time
- Access your spiritual wisdom
- And so much more!
Tenth Chakra – Infinity healing for the 10th chakra:
This module will help you:
- Manifest many of the skills you have learned in all of your previous lives
- Knowledge and wisdom begins to flow through time and space
- Experience divine creativity
- Master synchronicity
- Merge the masculine and feminine within
- Integrate your skills in a harmonious manner
- And so much more!
Eleventh Chakra – Infinity healing for the 11th Chakra:
This module will help you:
- Manifest advanced spiritual skills
- Activate the ability to travel beyond the limits of time and space
- Experience teleportation
- Experience bi-location
- Activate your telekinesis abilities
- Experience instantaneous precipitation of thoughts into matter.
- And so much more!
Twelfth Chakra – Infinity healing for the 12th chakra:
This module will help you:
- Master skills like out of body experiences outside of the solar system
- Experience out of body time travel beyond 200 years
- Experience instant healing of self and others
- Master telekinesis
- Master teleportation
- Access control over the natural elements (air, water, fire, earth) to an advanced degree
- Enter the doorway to the cosmos
- Release your fear of leaving the earth
- And so much more!
$20,000 in Sales in 2 Months!
My clients are happier, my work is so much more fun, and my income has boomed!
“After working with you everything THRIVED…
I have more creativity, my clients are more satisfied, their feedback is phenomenal, and my new online classes practically created themselves!
I went from earning 1200/month working hard to earning 7200/month with ease and fun!”
Christian Trabert, Energy Healer
I Have Never Had an Experience So Profound, So Deep, So Life Altering
“I had bought a few packages and done and learned so many techniques, that I was slightly hopeless that I COULD CHANGE Myself TO MAKE CHANGES IN MY LIFE. The Infinity Healing session was more than I could have prayed for. I have never had an experience so profound, so deep, so life altering… ever.”
An Extra Zero at The End of the $500! I Received $5,000!
“I must say Tarek, your Audio Program is working Very Well for me. When I listen to it, I get calls from people/clients for work. At times it’s uncanny. It’s the “EfforTLesslyY” part, I enjoy. I started listening to Tarek’s audio Program and during that same week I was expecting a cheque for $500. I received the cheque but there was an extra zero at the end of $500! I received $5,000! I definitely feel the program helped me receive that money.
Cancer Undetectable!
“About a week ago the Dr. told me until further notice to consider that I have uterine and possible breast cancer too. I asked for and received the blessings and healings from you. Today, I had a highly specialized ultra sound and the Dr. came to read it. He looked at it several times and said that he just could not understand it, but all was completely clear!”
Busiest and Most Profitable Weeks This Year
“Using Tarek Bibi’s Program has just given me the busiest and most profitable weeks this year. What is also great is the way I feel about it! I had lost my enthusiasm for my business and was just about breaking even. My Mojo had gone. It felt like for good, no matter what I tried. Now I’m making good money again. I’m happy and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I have valuable insights into what’s been holding me back. I have excellent ideas to grow my business. I am 100% certain this would not have happened without Tareks’ Program – it is that good. Life feels good again. Thank you, Tarek.”
Her Income DOUBLED!
Euphoria Traveling Through My Body
“Connecting with Tarek, I have felt a degree of euphoria traveling through my body, I have felt lightened and a great sense of relief. As an empath and someone who feels on a high degree, I feel the healing with Tarek was very moving. The shift that I am experience in my personal transition is amazing to recognize. The feeling of my physical eyes and my third eye being completely linked, connected in a triangle formation, vibration throughout my body and a deep inner ease and sensation of relaxation. A complete calming of the senses and truly empowering to feel so comforted.”
Angel Rachel
POWERFUL Inner Child healing released what no other healer’s work could
“My session with Tarek was transformative beyond my expectation. My inner child was completely trusting Tarek and his Infinity healing process. The healing of my inner child was mostly unsuccessful with other healers in the past and I feel this was due to the multiple factors with my inner child trusting the healer, and the healing process that did not remove the resistance and control to the healing which Infinity healing does easily. I KNEW this infinity session was successful as I felt the release, forgiveness, love and peace I had never experienced before with other inner child healing. The energy continue for the rest of the day and evening. The feeling that my inner child is now feeling after the healing with Tarek is what I knew was possible at a deep level. With immense gratitude to Tarek, one of my soul brother for following his spirit in bringing his gifts of magical healing to us.”
In 12 Days I received $11,000, a FREE Car and a Shopping Spree!
“It is truly miraculous HOW quickly things have happened. I was in a tight spot in April 2017 after a loss of a home, a job, and a relationship, and was dealing with some building debt.
Within two weeks of ONE of Tarek’s video I had a cheque come to me for $11,000 for selling my car, after I was previously only getting offers for $3500.
After investing in Tarek’s program I had a friend offer me a FREE car, two clients tipped me $100, and I was given $300 for work that I was simply volunteering for. I also had a friend take me out to the mall to let me buy whatever I wanted in a clothing shop. All of this happened within 12 days. The same 12 days that I listened to his modules back to back… Wow.”
She manifested moving to live on a beautiful island south of Spain
About Tarek Bibi
Tarek “Bliss” Bibi is a rising star with a massive following who has already changed the lives of over one million people worldwide. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, starseed, earth angel, and lightworker. Tarek works with business women and men on the spiritual path to help them “Thrive Doing What They Love!” Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality, he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts’ desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have struggled to achieve results before. Tarek Bibi, aka Mr. Miraculous, is a facilitator of inner transformation, helping people around the world transcend their emotional and psychological blocks at the core level. In an instant, Tarek is able to help people release years of pain and problems to Live Life Miraculously! A popular speaker on telesummits, in the media and festivals, Tarek’s warm, sincere and heart-centered presence helps and heals all who are inspired by his own journey from abuse to living an inspired life.