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- Open into a NEW TIMELINE of pure potential with us as we experience MULTIPLE LIGHT ENCODED TRANSMISSIONS from Velentaya to support the clearing and release from lingering patterns of behavior, SADNESS limitation, distortion, ILLNESS, injury, disease, STRESS and more!
- WELCOME a symphony of Divine Light Languages as the Sirians, Lyrans and an array of other high dimensional guides speak, sign, sing and tone through Velentaya for deep cellular clearing across multidimensional timelines.
- Align to inner joy, peace, trust and connection and RELEASE FEAR ENERGIES as you attune to the frequency of pure love. Every transmission is a multisensory experience as these benevolent beings utilize her structure, conscious-ness and vocal cords to interact in real time. The result is a dimensional shift that offers a new experience, pattern or change in vibration for the individual, as well as activating alternate and more harmonious timeline potentials.
As the Master Creator of “Your Universe”, your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world. Experiencing your highest vibrational timeline is determined not only by your thoughts, words, emotions, and perspectives, but by your alignment to Source and the light you hold. With the density of the 3rd dimension it can be challenging at times to maintain a high fre- quency state. The Language of Light offers great support with this because it is attunes you to pure light and is direct communication with Source and to the codes of creation. With every transmission, light-coded information floods your structure to balance the physi- cal, mental, emotional and spiritual body. At the cellular level, these codes work within the DNA to clear and collapse timelines of struggle and to activate higher frequency timelines of growth, expansion, and actualizing your heart’s desire.
“It’s so heart warming and expanding to hear this interview! So sincere and so much love and light. Thank you!! I love you both!”
~ Arden
“Wow! What a powerful call today. So incredibly grateful for the transmissions received. With full hearted appreciation”
~ Gloria
“WOW~~~ words of wonder~~~ I am inspired~ I am so very blessed I heard and dialed in to this Brilliantly Bright with so much Love and Light call~~~ thankful, grateful~ so much love and light to you both as I sing to you both Sistars~~ xoxoxo Caroline (who was open to receive yeah 1st callers) Iluvu2peaces since the beginning of time ~ thank you OM Love Namasté”
~ Joy
“Blessing, Yes allowing more courage strengthen abundance to do my soul’s work as a healer.Thank you so wonderful your collaborate love vibe.”
~ Maria
“I am grateful for my wonderful home, my beautiful car, my wonderful neighbours, all of my ideas… Thank you for choosing me. I am very glad for all the abundance in my life.
Thank you. It feels lighter in my neck. My neck was very tight. You are a blessing for the whole world.”
~ Kati
“Hi Cari and Velentaya, I love this beautiful experience with the two of you. Thank you and many blessings to both of you.”
~ Cindy
“Thank you so very much, I was so deep within. I also could see fire, and flames surrounding me and felt as if I was melting and becoming fire and flame myself. Also, words flame, fire light keeping repeating over and over again. I honor you both for All you are, for the platform that allows for these kinds of interactions and for the Beings of Light who interact with Us. I love you both and bow in homage to YOU.”
~ Faith
“Cari, The Butterflies are showing up here too. Thank You so much. good to be Alive right about now for sure!”
~ Scotty
“Dear Cari and Velentaya! I am so excited about another session with Velentaya! I love her work, which has been instrumental in developing my intuition and trust in my gifts! Thank you for having her again!! What a treat!”
~ Webcast listener
About Velentaya Reece
Velentaya Reece is a Vibrational Linguist who channels the language of light, the language of the Akash and written codes for the healing, the expansion, and the movement of an individual beyond the current dimension and timeline of disharmony, to one which is in alignment with the soul blueprint. A trance channel for the Sirians, Lyrans, and other groups, she is an open vehicle for many dimensions and consciousnesses. Blending rhythms, tones and frequencies, her work aims to balance the physical, mental and emotional bodies, crystalize the DNA and reconnect humanity to source consciousness and to their divine gifts and purpose.
Velentaya has used light and sound as a tool for shifting human consciousness throughout her many incarnations in the multi-galactic universe. The Sirians, serving as her gatekeepers, assist in preparing the vibrations and integrating the energies within the space. Every transmission is a multisensory experience as these benevolent beings utilize her structure, consciousness and vocal cords to interact in real time. The result is a dimensional shift that offers a new experience, pattern or change in vibration for the individual, as well as activating alternate and more harmonious timeline potentials.
With a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, Velentaya’s career spans 27 years in the television industry where her work has been regularly showcased on major networks and other media outlets. A visual effects artist and award winning broadcast designer, she blends light, color, and sound to create energetic shifts in audiences. This inspires her work today, as she uses these same elements to promote physical healing and vibrational shifts within her clients.