Zoe Davenport

Air Date: 06/20/2017
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Zoe Davenport - Special Offer!

Crystalline Light Code Activations

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About Zoe Davenport

Zoe Davenport is a channel, master ascension guide and crystalline grid activator. Her multi-dimensional connection helps to expand her vibration to support those on the ascension path. Your current reality holds the potential vibration for you to ascend into the ascension mastery. Zoe assists you to master your pure creative potential by guiding you through your ascension awakening in order to gain access to all that you set out to achieve in this incarnation.

Every aspect of her work is dedicated to help you achieve an accelerated ascension timeline by accessing your creative potential of Ascension Mastery through heart opening – healing and shedding lifetimes of stagnation. You will align with abundance; abundance of Love, connection, collaboration, co-creation, harmony, success, happiness, peace and the desire to step forward into the new paradigm. Zoe has been called to work with the paradigm game changers of existence right now – to hold the space needed for those called to step up and become the way showers paving the way for mass global awakening through breaking free for their perceived limitations and karmic moulds.