Traversing Crystalline Cities & Waterways of Inner Earth & Reclaiming our Symbiotic Soul Relationship with Gaia!

Shadow Alchemist, Intuitive Channel & Multi-Dimensional Healer Beth Rachel shares that the creation of earth was designed to be a microcosmic experience of unity consciousness. Since this time the planet has gone through many changes that have created distance from this original creation. As we dive inward, beneath the surface of the planet, into the crystalline cities and waterways, we find much of the ancient story continues to live. It is time to re-unite with the beings and wisdom of inner earth and again become one! Listen in as we journey together to the ancient wisdom and technology of inner earth and Gaia. Now is the time to reclaim our divine soul relationship to the planetary design, build relationships with inner earth beings and civilizations and learn how to harmonize with the inner rhythms of the planet. We also talked about ways to harmonize with inner earth, how water serves as a unifying field between Gaia’s consciousness and our own AND what Earth looks like with its original design flourishing! Beth also led us through a beautiful and gentle guided meditation into the four chambers at the heart of Gaia.The four chambers each connect to a sacred waterway that flows through inner earth.We received encoded information via light language from the soul of the planet and carried it through the layers of inner earth and to the surface!